St Davids City Golf Club, Pembrokeshire
Membership Secretary.
Chris Snushall
01437 720312
Hon. Treasurer
Alan Thomas
01437 720781
Club Committee.
Mrs P Garner
Mr R Haig
Mr G James
Mr J Thomas
Mr G Thomas
Mr P Wright
Club Captain.
Ladies Captain.
Senior Captain.
Richard Simper
07715 161189
Hon Secretary
Steve Jarvis
07974 764862
Greens Committee.
Mrs H. Davis
Mr C. Snushall
Mr S. Jarvis
Mr G Thomas
Mr R. Haig
Mr B Murray
Green Keeper
Mr Phil Jonas
Membership rates for 2022 (from January)
FULL MEMBER £372 for the year - only £32 per month.
JUNIORS £40 (under 18 on 1st January 2022)
STUDENTS £120 (in full time education)
* COUNTRY MEMBER £240.00 (Juniors £60).
* Country members must be a member of another golf club and live a minimum
of 7 miles away. This category does not enable member guest green fees or the ability to contest club competitions.
MEMBERSHIPS ARE DUE IN JANUARY. Three ways to pay for full membership:-
1. Cheque/bank transfer full amount by 31st January (£384 if after this date)
2. Standing order with 3 monthly payments of £128 started before 31st January.
3. Standing order with 12 monthly payments of £32 started before 31st January.
Winter membership offer. If you want to play on a well drained course this winter we have a restricted number of 3 and 4 month membership packages.
Click here for details